The early start was so that I could get myself a parking space at the station, saving my wife the hassle of dropping me off before the school run, but it did mean that I arrived at Federation Square, the scene of the festival, at about the same time the cleaners rolled up to make the place tidy for the day... Still, it gave me a chance to catch up on some reading :)
I had pre-ordered tickets for two events, leaving myself ample time to relax in between. The first, at 10.00, was with Laurent Binet, the French author of HHhH, and while I wasn't completely convinced by his book when I read it earlier this year, I was interested in hearing him discuss the book and the background (and justify his choice of style!).
Predictably, though, the long wait (and the inclement Melbourne weather...) brought a change to my plans. While I was twiddling my thumbs at 11.30, wondering what to do with myself for three hours, I noticed a line of people waiting outside one of the studios, so I asked a helper what was on. It turned out that it was an Edinburgh World Writers' Conference session on the future of the novel, featuring (among others) Teju Cole - and it was due to start at 11.45... after a mad scramble out of the centre to find the tiny box office down by the main road and purchase a ticket, I arrived back at the room, sweaty and panting, but ready for another session.
Which is why I'm going to leave you now - I need some sleep! But Tony, I hear you cry (I have *excellent* hearing), were the sessions any good? Well, that's a tale for another day; for now, you can just look at some pretty photos instead :)