Sunday, 1 February 2015

Tony's Reading List is on the move!

Many of you will already have heard about this by now, but after just over six years of blogging Tony's Reading List is on the move!  From this week, I'll be doing all of my blogging from my new site, (which, as you will see, is pretty much the same thing but through a different host), so I hope you'll follow me over to my new digital home :)

But Tony, I hear you ask (as always, my hearing is excellent), why the move after all this time?  Well, there are a number of reasons.  First and foremost is the issue with comments.  Any regular blogger and commenter will have realised by now that Blogger and WordPress seem specifically designed to make any interaction with each other as difficult as possible, and while WordPress at least seems to be getting a little better, Blogger (if anything) is getting even worse.

In addition, I've had a feeling for some time now, that being on the losing team in terms of web hosts has affected my reach.  After six years of blogging, I should be getting my message out to far more people (and receiving more comments too).  There are no guarantees, but I suspect that the move to WordPress will make it much easier for people to access my posts in future.

The Blogger blog isn't going anywhere; for one thing, most of my old posts have numerous back links to it, and I can't see that being cleaned up this side of Armageddon.  However, from today, any new content will be posted over at the WordPress site, so I suggest you get over there and bookmark the link if you want to keep up with my ramblings in future ;)

So, there you have it.  The new place to go is - here's hoping it's a change for the better...

... 'cos I'll be *really* embarrassed if I have to come crawling back to Blogger in a few weeks' time...