Before those five excellent individuals announce their longlist choices to the world though, I thought it was time to put my neck on the line and give you all some ideas as to books I've already read which I'd like to think will make the cut. If I'm right, please feel free to praise my perspicacity; if not, blame the judges (the shadowy ninja reviewers are on the case...).

Finally, there are a couple of familiar names, real IFFP heavyweights. Karl Ove Knausgaard is back with A Man in Love (Harvill Secker, tr. Don Bartlett), the second in the six-part My Struggle cycle. Just as detailed as the first, but much more successful, it would be a huge surprise if this didn't lift Knausi (as I like to call him) onto the longlist. And the same is true for a certain Javier Marías and his latest book The Infatuations (Hamish Hamilton, tr. Margaret Jull Costa). A clever tale of love, trust and deception, many have picked it to do well this year.
So there you are - eight suggestions for what should be on the list next Saturday. It's doubtful that they'll all make it to the longlist (I'm not even sure that they're all eligible - or have even been entered...), but each of them would be a worthy contender for the prize. Rest assured - once the list is public, I'll be letting you know my thoughts and looking briefly at any which I may already have tried.
And then, of course, it'll be time to start reading ;)